Sparks City Council Meeting 2/10/2014 2:00:00 PM
Monday, February 10, 2014 2:00 PMCity Council Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 Fourth St., Sparks
General Business: 6.6
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
This is a request to approve a tentative map for 617-lot single family residential lots located in Phase 1 of Stonebrook Planned Development generally located southeast of La Posda and Pyramid Highway intersection.
The proposed site is generally located in the northeast section of the Stonebrook Planned Development, just west of Cimmaron Planned Development. Stonebrook Planned Development consists of approximately 610 acres and was approved for 2,135 units. The planned development handbook was approved April 24, 2006 by City Council. On January 6, 2006, an annexation (AX05006) and master plan amendment (MPA05003) were approved by City Council. On August 23, 2006, the City Council approved a Tentative Map (PCN05070/Tm060008) which allowed for a 615-lot detached, single family residential subdivision.
The approved Tentative Map has since expired. A new tentative map went to Planning Commission on August 1, 2013. The applicant’s representative noted concerns with the condition regarding the fire sprinklers and requested continuance of the item until the issues could be worked out with the Fire Department. Commissioner Voelz expressed concerns with Conditions 13, 22, 23 and 24 regarding the requirements of the regional trail and pathway construction and asked that it be completed before issuance of the final building permit. During the Planning Commission hearing, the applicant waived their time lines.
Planning Commission tabled the item to allow the applicant to work on issues with the Fire Department and propose a change to the conditions regarding timing of trail improvements. On January 16, 2014, the Planning Commission removed the tentative map from the table and held a hearing. Planning Commission recommends approval of the tentative map.
The applicant is requesting to divide the approximately 222 acre site into a 617-lot single family residential subdivision. The tentative map encompasses four villages – A, B, C and D. The tentative map that expired was for a 615-lot detached single family residential subdivision. However, in comparing new application to the previous approved tentative map the maps appeared to be identical it is likely that the previous lot count was incorrect.
The Stonebrook Phase I development proposal is compatible with the densities of adjacent residential developments to the east (Cimarron and Wingfield Spring), south (Pioneer Meadows), and west (Tierra Del Sol). To the north of Stonebrook is a larger lot single family residential development called Sky Ranch (Washoe County) which the applicant has buffered from the smaller lot development found in Stonebrook with an open space strip approximately 600 feet wide.
The primary entrance into Phase I of the Stonebrook development will be via Stonebrook Parkway, which will be extended through the project site. This road has been designed with a number of local streets branching off of it to encourage the highest degree of access possible. The applicant has provided emergency access to the site via a temporary extension of Stonebrook Parkway to the south where it will connect into Pioneer Meadows. Stonebrook Parkway has been designated as a two lane arterial with a 38 foot right-of-way and two 12 foot travel lanes and an additional 5 foot bike lane. Additionally, there is a 15 foot common area which will include a 5 foot meandering sidewalk.
In addition to Stonebrook Parkway, there will be a portion of Robert Banks Drive constructed east of Stonebrook Parkway. This road is proposed to be a community collector street with a 38 foot right-of-way and two 12 foot travel lanes with an additional 5 foot bike lane. The residential streets within Stonebrook are curvilinear in nature and have been designed to encourage traffic access to the primary circulation network from each of the villages. These residential streets have been designed with a 50 foot right-of-way to accommodate two 11 foot travel lanes plus on-street parking on both sides of the street. In addition, there will be a 4 foot sidewalk and 2 feet of landscaping within the right-of-way.
There are two main open space corridors within Stonebrook Phase I development: the Reach 4 Drainage Channel and the Orr Ditch linear park and trail system. The Orr Ditch Linear Park is centrally located within Stonebrook and consists of approximately 7 acres of open space. Within the Orr Ditch linear park there will be a 10 foot wide meandering pedestrian trail from Stonebrook to Wingfield Springs with shrubs and trees strategically located on each side. The trail system associated with the Reach 4 Drainage Channel will include a 10 foot wide meandering sidewalk on one side with a 5 to 8 foot meandering pathway on the other side. Pathway materials/treatment will be finalized with the final open space improvement plans as conditioned in this Staff Report. Pedestrian circulation within Stonebrook will consist of 5 foot wide sidewalks on both sides of the arterial and collector streets. These external sidewalks will connect to the interior 4 foot wide village sidewalks which will line both sides of the residential streets. Sidewalks within the project will provide pedestrian access to the Regional Trail located adjacent to the Reach 4 Drainage channel and the Orr Ditch Linear Park. Areas of the Regional Trail which are currently outside of Phase I development within Stonebrook will be improved as a part of future development phases. Open Space will also be provided for residents in strategically located pocket parks. Phase I development includes a small pocket park between villages B and D, immediately adjacent to the Orr Ditch trail. Phase I development will be served by the Truckee Meadows Water Authority for water services, the City of Sparks for sewer services and NV Energy for gas and electrical services.
The developer will be required to dedicate sufficient water rights to serve the estimated water demand of 241.72 acre feet for this project. Sanitary sewer service will be provided by the City of Sparks with treatment by the Truckee Meadows Wastewater Reclamation Facility. The project is anticipated to generate an average sewage flow rate of 415,000 gallons per day. Gas, electric, telephone, and cable services will extend underground within the roadway right-of-way from both Pyramid Highway and La Posada to serve each phase of development.
The City of Sparks Fire Department will provide fire protection to the Stonebrook development. The property is currently located outside of the 6 minute response area for Fire Station #5. With the separation of the Reno Fire Department and Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District, this area of Sparks is now being serviced by an agreement between Sparks Fire Department and Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District. Police protection will be provided by the City of Sparks Police Department.
Phase I development within Stonebrook is currently zoned for Van Gorder Elementary School, Shaw Middle School, and Spanish Springs High School. Based on calculations provided by the school district, Phase I development will most likely generate approximately 321 students into the Washoe County School District. It is projected that there will be 188 elementary school students, 50 middle school students and 83 high school students. Both Shaw Middle School and Spanish Springs High School are over capacity. The school district states that they need a middle school site in Spanish Springs and most likely a high school site in the medium term.
For the tentative map findings refer to the attached file. For the Conditions of Approval for the Tentative Map, refer to the attached file. Also attached are the exhibits and Agency Comments.
Alternatives: The City Council may deny the tentative map.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the Tentative Map associated with PCN13014 adopting Findings T1 through T12 and the facts supporting these Findings as set forth in the staff report and subject to the Conditions of Approval 1 through 24 as listed in the staff report.
Attached Files: