Sparks City Council Meeting 1/27/2014 2:00:00 PM
Monday, January 27, 2014 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
General Business: 6.5
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Acceptance of this grant will enable the Sparks Parks and Recreation Department to continue The Nell J. Redfield Free Neighborhood Playground Program ($18,487.00) and a portion of the Leisure Without Limits Program ($31,513.00). Both programs provide for underserved populations in our community.
The City of Sparks Parks and Recreation Department continues its lead role in creating awareness and providing recreational programming for people with disabilities in the Truckee Meadows. The Playground Program dates back to 1990 and was provided at 3 various parks in Sparks. Historically, the program has been offered free of charge to children in first through sixth grade. Prior to 2008, the program was held at school sites/parks with limited facility/storage access.
With funding and a stable "home" at the Larry D. Johnson Community Center, the program can continue with the following components:
1. Staff to participant ratio of 1:10 maximum.
2. Daily organized active and passive activities on and/or off site.
3. Weekly themed arts and crafts activities on site through collaborative efforts with VSA arts of Nevada.
4. Weekly swimming at Deer Park Pool.
5. Weekly themed educational components to inspire young minds
6. Each year, the program has access to the USDA Summer Food Service Program (SFSP).
Free nutritious lunches are served to children between the ages of 1 and 18 years from approximately (June 16 - August 8) from 12:10 - 12:30 p.m. at Ardmore Park. The hours of the Playground program continue to be from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to best accommodate the 'local neighborhood' children during the summer months. With permission, the program is still named "The Nell J. Redfield Neighborhood Free Playground Program". The Leisure Without Limits program provides programming for people with developmental and/or physical limitations who wish to meet new friends through recreational activities. This program encompasses activites such as: arts and crafts through a partnership with VSA arts; Special Olympics Bowling averaging 80 bowlers weekly; Teen Discovery Camp for teens out of school (off track); Mark Wellman Adventure Day and various social dance events. Although we have worked hard to maintain quality services through community partnerships and new revenue sources, severe departmental cutbacks as a result of the continuing economic conditions force staff to eliminate low-to non-revenue generating programs such as the programs detailed in this report beginning in 2009. Without this grant, these programs will be discontinued. It is hoped that these programs will find their way back into the budget as the economy improves. We are very fortunate to receive funding from The Nell J. Redfield Foundation for five consecutive years.
Analysis: Over the years, the Free Neighborhood Playground and Leisure Without Limits Programs have been free or offered at a nominal fee of $1 - $5/day or visit. Teen Discovery is an exception with a weekly charge of $200 per participant. This amount does not recover the cost of specialized staff required to meet the needs of the participants. A participant with multiple disabilities may require two staff to meet their daily needs. Teen Discovery alone costs approximately $35,000 for the 12 weeks these students are out of school. This minimal revenue has never supported the programs and therefore were selected for budget cuts. It was determined that discontinuing these much needed community services/resources would have a tremendous impact on these underserved segments of our population. The Nell J. Redfield grant is needed in order to conitinue the Playground Program ($18,487.00) and a portion of the Leisure Without Limits Program (balance of $31,513.00).
Alternatives: 1. The Council may elect not to accept this grant. 2. The Council may redirect staff to seek another source of funding.
Recommended Motion: I move to accept this grant from The Nell J. Redfield Foundation in the amount of $50,000 to continue programs for underserved residents in our community as outlined by staff.
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