Sparks City Council Meeting 11/25/2013 2:00:00 PM
Monday, November 25, 2013 2:00 PMCity Council Ch;ambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, NV
Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items: 8.2
Title: Public hearing, consideration of and possible action on Resolution No. 3249, revising fees for development services provided by the City of Sparks and specifically considering fees for Minor Deviation and Major Deviation applications.
Petitioner/Presenter: City of Sparks/Karen L. Melby
Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council adopt Resolution No. 3249 adding fees for Minor Deviation and Major Deviation applications associated with development services provided by the City of Sparks.
Financial Impact: None
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: To facilitate development and growth in the City of Sparks, the City is considering broadening the applicability of the minor deviation provision in the Zoning Code and adding a “major deviation” process. This resolution is a companion agenda item to establish fees. The proposed fee for a Minor Deviation is $120. The proposed fee for Major Deviation is a deposit of $1,250; staff time will be charged at $120 per hour.
Background: The Development Services Enterprise Fund (DSEF) was created by City Council action in 1999. The intent was to have the development community pay for services the City provides to review, entitle, permit and inspect land use approvals and development activity. Services included in the fund range from Planned Developments to Special Use Permit review. At the July 18, 2013 Enterprise Fund Advisory Committee meeting, staff proposed the new application process for Minor and Major Deviations and charging fees to process these applications. The Enterprise Fund Advisory Committee recommended a fee of $120 for a Minor Deviation and a deposit of $1,250 for the Major Deviation processing with a maximum of $7,495. Since the major deviation process involves a public hearing and public noticing, the applicant will also be charged $500 for noticing costs.
Analysis: Staff is proposing a fee of $120 to process the minor deviation. The minor deviation code amendment allows an administrative adjustment by the Administrator of up to ten percent from any quantitative requirement that applies within a zoning district. The major deviation is a new discretionary process intended to facilitate development by providing an opportunity for applicants to employ creative approaches to design challenges especially in older areas of the city where development standards may be outdated or unnecessarily restrictive. Staff recommends a proposed processing fee for major deviation application to be the same as for a Site Plan Review: a deposit of $1,250 which is credited towards actual staff time charged at $120 per hour and not to exceed $7,495. Since the major deviation process involves a public hearing and public noticing, the applicant will also be charged $500 for noticing costs.
Alternatives: 1. City Council may deny the new fees.
Recommended Motion: I move to adopt Resolution No. 3249 revising fees related to development services provided by the City of Sparks for Minor and Major Deviations.
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