Sparks City Council Meeting 9/9/2013 2:00:00 PM
Monday, September 9, 2013 2:00 PMCity Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth St, Sparks, NV
Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items: 8.2
Title: PCN13013, Consideration and possible action on a Tentative Map request to allow for a 74-lot single family residential subdivision on a site approximately 24.8 acres in size in the NUD (New Urban District – Galleria Station Planned Development) zoning district generally located northeast of the intersection of Galleria Parkway and Costa Azul Drive, Sparks, NV.
Petitioner/Presenter: Lewis Investment Company of Nevada, LLC/Tim Thompson
Recommendation: The Community Services Department recommends forwarding a recommendation for approval of PCN13013, see suggested motions below.
Financial Impact: N/A
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: A Tentative Map request to allow for a 74-lot single family residential subdivision on a site approximately 24.8 acres in the Galleria Station Planned Development.
Background: The Galleria Station Planned Development Handbook was originally approved by the City Council on May 16, 2005. The handbook covered 24.98± acres and consists entirely of residential development. The original plan contemplated 54 separate buildings with five condominium units each for a total of 270 units. Unit 1 of the development included 23 buildings. Fourteen of those buildings have been constructed and are occupied. The remaining nine buildings have yet to commence construction. The entire infrastructure for unit 1 has been completed. It’s anticipated that unit 1 will eventually be built out as originally planned with a total of 115 condominium units. Due to economic conditions, development of the project ceased for a number of years. The owner of the unit 2 property has processed an amendment to the planned development handbook to allow for the construction of a product type which they believe is viable given current market conditions. On July 8, 2013, the City Council granted tentative approval of the handbook amendment request. The request for final approval of the handbook amendment (PCN13011) is being processed concurrently with this application.
Analysis: Pursuant to Nevada state law, when a parcel is divided into 5 or more parcels a Tentative Map entitlement shall be required. In this case, the applicant is requesting to divide the 12.9± acre site into a 74-lot single family residential subdivision. The lot sizes will range between 4,500 square feet to 10,505 square feet with an average lot size of 7,100 square feet, which meets the minimum lot size requirement. The Galleria Station Planned Development consists of two units and will, with this Tentative Map, include the addition of another housing type. The overall development plan provides ample landscape common areas as well as a natural drainage way feature. Unit 1 is the condominium phase of the project and will contain 115 units. The condominium units are surrounded by landscaped common areas which include a clubhouse and pool facility. This Tentative Map request would allow for the subdivision of Unit 2 into 74 detached single family residential lots. The primary access to Unit 2 will utilize the existing Galleria Parkway/Costa Azul signalized intersection. Secondary access will be provided from Galleria Parkway using Papaya Drive. Circulation through the subdivision allows for appropriate emergency access and includes a connection to Unit 1. The streets in Unit 1 are private streets, thus allowing gated access. The streets within Unit 2 are proposed to be public and dedicated to the city. Per the standards in the planned development handbook, sidewalk will be provided on one side of the public streets. Sidewalk will be located on the north side of Papaya Drive, east side of Monrovia Drive, east side of Bougainvillea Drive, and south/east side of San Carlos Drive. Proposed architecture has not been provided with this application. Per the requirements in the handbook, “if preliminary architectural elevations are available at the time of the Tentative Map, they may be included and approved at such time. If architectural elevations are not available, the Builder or Developer shall have building architecture approved with the master building plans, as described below.” The handbook goes on to state, “prior to the issuance of individual building permits, the home builder shall submit master building plans for approval by the Administrator. The Administrator may approve building architecture or, at the request of the applicant/builder, forward the architectural plans to the Planning Commission for review and approval.” The architectural standards for unit 2 will be complementary to the architectural design standards for unit 1. Most importantly, there will be design continuity through both phases. Staff has been able to make all the applicable Findings and recommends approval.
Alternatives: The City Council may deny the request.
Recommended Motion: I move to approve the Tentative Map associated with PCN13013 adopting Findings T1 through T12 and the facts supporting these Findings as set forth in the staff report and subject to the Conditions of Approval 1 through 15 as listed in the staff report.
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