Sparks City Council Meeting 9/9/2013 2:00:00 PM
Monday, September 9, 2013 2:00 PMCity Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth St, Sparks, NV
Consent Items: 5.3
Title: Consideration and possible award of the C-Street Parking Garage Lighting Retrofit Project, Bid No. 13/14-004, PWP-WA-2013-293 to Have Lights Will Travel, in the amount of $99,876.00.
Petitioner/Presenter: John A. Martini, P.E., Assistant Director of Community Services/Christopher S. Cobb, P.E., Capital Projects Manager
Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council award the C Street Parking Garage Lighting Retrofit Project, Bid No. 13/14-004, PWP-WA-2013-293, to Have Lights Will Travel, in the amount of $99,876.00.
Financial Impact: $99,876.00 in Capital Facilities Projects Fund 1405. $150,000 was approved for Project 14-1500, C Street Garage LED Retrofit in the FY14 CIP and $149,793 of budget authority is currently available.
Total Costs: $99.88

Fund: Capital Facilities Fund Account: 603445 Program: 1405 C Street Garage LED Retrofit Project (14-1500) Amount: $99.88 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: Consideration and possible award of the C Street Parking Garage Lighting Retrofit Project, Bid No. 13/14-004, PWP-WA-2013-293, to Have Lights Will Travel, in the amount of $99,876.00. This project will replace the existing HPS lighting fixtures in the C Street Parking Garage and on the roof of the Victorian Square Parking Garage with LED lighting fixtures. Staff recommends approval.
Background: The City of Sparks maintains and operates the C Street and Victorian Square Parking Garages. In 2012 the City of Sparks replaced 166 high pressure sodium lighting fixtures with 123 LED lighting fixtures on the interior of the Victorian Square Parking Garage. The City of Sparks has saved $16,281 in power expenses in the last 11 months. With the success of this project, the City has moved forward with the retrofit of the C Street Parking Garage. The C Street garage lighting currently consists of 192 high pressure sodium lighting fixtures. This project will replace those lighting fixtures with 105 high efficiency LED lighting fixtures utilizing high-low operation, dimming, integrated occupancy and day-lighting sensors. The Victorian Square garage roof lighting currently consists of 10 high pressure sodium lighting fixtures. This project will replace those lighting fixtures with 10 high efficiency LED lighting fixtures utilizing high-low operation, dimming, integrated occupancy and day-lighting sensors. The engineer’s estimate for the project was $153,100.00.
Analysis: This City of Sparks project will replace the existing HPS lighting fixtures in the C Street and Victorian Square Parking Garages with LED lighting fixtures. The project advertised in the Reno Gazette Journal on July 24, 2013 and copies were distributed to local plan rooms. Sixteen bids were opened at City Hall on August 15, 2013. Bid results ranged in cost from $99,876.00 to $128,000.00. Attached is a recap of the bids:
Alternatives: 1. City Council could approve the C Street Parking Garage Lighting Retrofit Project as outlined by Staff. 2. City Council could reject the C Street Parking Garage Lighting Retrofit Project and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion: I move to award the C Street Parking Garage Lighting Retrofit Project, Bid No. 13/14-004, PWP-WA-2013-293, to Have Lights Will Travel, in the amount of $99,876.00.
Attached Files: