Sparks City Council Meeting 8/26/2013 2:00:00 PM
Monday, August 26, 2013 2:00 PMCity Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth St, Sparks, NV
General Business: 6.9

Fund: Parks & Recreation Fund Account: 603242 Program: Recreation Operations (121247) Amount: $12,000.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Background: The Sparks City Council approved Resolution 88-16 on November 21, 1988, a resolution expressing the desire of the City of Garibaldi to enter into a Sister City relationship with the City of Sparks, Nevada. This resolution is attached for your reference. Section 3 states “The Garibaldi City Council encourages all interested organizations, especially the Garibaldi Chamber of Commerce and Garibaldi Lion’s Club to participate in programs which may result from this relationship.” A Proclamation was also filed on December 1, 1988 by Mayor James L. Spoo with reference to the Garibaldi Christmas Express and the City of Sparks’ celebration of “its first Christmas in the newly completed Victorian Square with the lighting of the traditional Garibaldi Christmas tree…” This document is also attached for your reference.
Over the years, the Hometowne Christmas parade and tree lighting ceremony has endured the test of time and avoided elimination through budget reduction recommendations. The table below illustrates a ten year history of the Hometowne Christmas event budget.
FY04 |
FY05 |
FY06 |
FY07 |
FY08 |
FY09 |
FY10 |
FY11 |
FY12 |
FY13 |
$65,086 |
$51,515 |
$59,043 |
$60,568 |
$63,349 |
$82,305 |
$71,041 |
$42,228 |
$38,898 |
$44,276 |
REV* |
$21,550 |
$17,795 |
$28,970 |
$31,600 |
$50,770 |
$46,610 |
$18,220 |
$12,941 |
$10,667 |
$9,900 |
$47,291 |
$33,720 |
$30,073 |
$28,968 |
$12,579 |
$35,695 |
$52,821 |
$29,287 |
$28,231 |
$34,376 |
Tour Mark |
$30,000 |
$15,000 |
No request |
No request |
*Note: revenue includes TourMark funding indicated in bottom row.
In a continuing effort to be innovative and efficient, the following recommendations are provided for your consideration for 2013 and 2014:
Option #1: For 2013, eliminate the transport and use of the Garibaldi Color Guard (actual cost of $680).
Solution #1: Use the local Color Guard at no cost.
Option #2: For 2013, eliminate the reception provided by John Ascuaga’s Nugget (estimated value of $875). Due to waning interest and attendance, the Nugget staff has suggested this recommendation in recent years and states they will support the City’s direction. Attendance numbers and costs related to the reception were unavailable upon request.
Solution #2: Although the reception would be discontinued, Nugget staff has stated they would continue to extend discounted room rates to visitors from Garibaldi.
Option #3: For 2014, eliminate and/or reduce the annual costs related to the tree.
• Eliminate transport, permits and lodging related to the Christmas tree (actual cost of $1,016) • Reduce estimated labor of $3,750 for tree set-up and removal.
• Eliminate YESCO provides a truck to assist in the tree installation at no cost (estimated value of $1,000).
• The Nugget provides rooms free of charge for the truck drivers (estimated value of $700).
Solution #3: Install a living Giant Sequoia tree. There are two possibilities to consider:
A. A tree has been selected near Placerville, CA and will cost $2,000 to transport and plant. See picture attached. The tree is approximately 22’ – 25’ tall. The City of Reno is implementing this option with a potential transplant in October, 2013.
B. A tree may be purchased from Genoa Farms. The maximum height for transplant would be 16’ and cost $6,500 with a limited warranty.
Additional costs are being evaluated based on the selected location of the living tree on Victorian Square. Locations that have been considered include Lillard Park at Pyramid, the Amphitheater, NE corner of 10th Street and Victorian Avenue (in front of the Blue Garter Bridal Shop), the Four Seasons Fountain (across Victorian from the Plaza), or a planter just West of the Bandstand at 11th Street and Victorian Avenue. In choosing a location, the following has been considered:
• The tree will continue to grow in height and width
• Will the tree interfere with buildings and/or signage?
• Will other trees and planters have to be removed to accommodate the living tree?
• Will the tree interfere with event layouts as we know them today?
• Is power and water available at the site?
• What is the cost of the preparation and finish of the site?
With these factors in mind, the recommended location is to the West of the Bandstand. This location will have the least impact on area businesses, signage, and event layouts. There is an existing planter with water and power as well. A map is attached for your reference illustrating the locations considered and estimated costs of preparation and finish of each site. The bandstand can be used or entertainment in conjunction with the tree lighting ceremony and is along the parade route next to a reviewing stand.
When planting a tree, some precautions can be taken to avoid root damage to surrounding landscape, concrete or pavers. The use of a root barrier is the most effective way to accomplish this. Biobarrier® is a multi-year root control system that can be installed in the soil vertically, horizontally or as a surround to inhibit root growth for up to 15 years. It is a flexible geotextile fabric that includes time-release nodules impregnated with an herbicide which prevents root tip cell division but does not impact overall plant health. This fabric is porous, allowing water, air and nutrients to pass through and is easily cut to size. A "no root" zone is created on all sides. Roots growing into the zone are redirected while roots outside the zone continue to grow normally. I would recommend that we use this product when we place the Giant Sequoia along Victorian Avenue.
RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends Option/Solution #1 and Option/Solution #2 as they relate to annual cost savings as well as Option #3/Solution #3A above as it relates to the installation of a living Christmas Tree. If approved, Options #1 and #2 would be placed into effect for the 2013 event. If approved, Option #3/Solution #3A will result in the Garibaldi Christmas Tree will being transported from Oregon for the 2013 event for the final time. The living tree could be planted in the fall of 2013 and decorated for the 2104 Hometowne Christmas event at location #4 near the bandstand (as indicated on the map).
Alternatives: Council may choose to approve some, none or all of the recommendations outlined and re-direct staff as deemed appropriate.
Recommended Motion: I move to approve the recommendations as outlined by staff.
Attached Files: