Sparks Redevelopment Agency Meeting - Following the Council Meeting 6/24/2013 2:00:00 PM
Monday, June 24, 2013 2:00 PMCity Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth St, Sparks, NV
Item Number: 5
Title: Consideration and possible approval of an extension of the term of a Professional Services Contract with Taggart & Taggart, LTD. for on-call legal services
Petitioner/Presenter: Community Services Department/Armando Ornelas, City Planner
Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Agency Board approve the proposed contract extension.
Financial Impact: Funds were previously budgeted; the original contract amount has not been fully expended and any future expenditures would be drawn from the previously budgeted funds.
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required. This is a rule but emergency action is necessary to protect the public health and safety (requires a unanimous vote of the City Council and cannot be in effect for more than six months).
A Business Impact Statement is not required. This is a rule but emergency action is necessary to protect the public health and safety (requires a unanimous vote of the City Council and cannot be in effect for more than six months).
Agenda Item Brief: The Taggart & Taggart firm has provided on-call legal services to the Sparks Redevelopment Agency since July, 2007. The current agreement expires on June 30, 2013 and a copy is attached to this staff report for reference. Approval of the contract extension will provide the Agency with the continuation of on-call legal services from Taggart & Taggart for redevelopment related activities.
Background: The Taggart & Taggart firm has provided on-call legal services to the Sparks Redevelopment Agency since July, 2007. The current agreement expires on June 30, 2013. Staff recommends approval of an extension of the current contract to provide for continuity of services. The existing agreement is for a “not to exceed” amount of $100,000, of which $40,738 was expended through April of 2013.
Analysis: The Agency has on occasion a need for legal counsel with Nevada redevelopment and real estate transaction experience. Since redevelopment law is a somewhat specialized field, many redevelopment agencies rely on outside counsel either exclusively or to supplement in-house legal staff. Taggart & Taggart, LTD. has experience with a variety of redevelopment projects, real estate transactions, land use issues, public works, construction projects including prevailing wage issues, and public financing tools. The firm also has substantial litigation experience. Staff are requesting this contract extension in order to continue utilizing the serves of Taggart & Taggart for on-call legal services since they are familiar with the Agency’s plans, projects and current legal issues and have provided responsive and high quality service. The proposed amendment of the contract with Taggart & Taggart, LTD. would extend the current agreement for an additional year, through June 30, 2014. The contract provides that they will be reimbursed only for actual time, at the hourly rates specified in the attachment to the agreement, plus actual expenses. No additional funds are requested as over half of the funds budgeted for the current contract remain unspent.
Alternatives: The Agency Board’s options include not extending the contract with Taggart & Taggart, LTD., modifying the scope of work, modifying the recommended contract amount or directing staff to take other action.
Recommended Motion: I move to approve the extension of the Professional Services Contract with Taggart & Taggart, LTD.
Attached Files:

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