Sparks City Council Meeting 6/10/2013 2:00:00 PM
Monday, June 10, 2013 2:00 PMCity Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth St, Sparks, NV
General Business: 6.5

Fund: General Fund Account: 603242 Program: Community Enhancement (Advance Planning) (130200) Amount: $149,965.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The City of Sparks recently completed an analysis and investment of the chapter of its municipal code which governs zoning and development (Title 20). The analysis identified potential barriers in Title 20 to development and recommended potential ways in which these barriers may be addressed through updates of the code. Staff is now proposing to move forward with Phase III (the final phase) and revising its zoning and development codes utilizing the analysis completed in Phase II.
More recently, staff issued an RFP for a consultant to support the City with Phase III. Staff, along with a committee of community stakeholders and a Sparks Planning Commissioner, reviewed the submittals and interviewed two teams. The review committee unanimously recommends that the City Council award the team of White & Smith, Reno-based CFA, and Winter & Company a contract in the amount of $149,965 to assist with the Phase III update of the zoning code and which integrates other regulatory documents and guidelines. CFA played a significant role in the Phase II project and is expected to be involved in all phases of the Phase III work.
The City of Sparks has elected to update, reorganize and revamp the chapter of its municipal code which governs zoning and development (Title 20). Title 20 regulates the use and improvement of land while controlling the location, soundness and use of structures located thereon. The update should 1) provide a new organizing structure that integrates the Zoning Code and other regulatory documents and guidelines (i.e. Transit Oriented Development standards) and 2) update the permitted uses table. The attached scope of work outlines a process for completing this work.
In 2012, the City approved a contract with Clarion Consulting and CFA of Reno to complete an analysis and identify “Barriers to Development” in the City of Sparks’ zoning code. This analysis (Phase II of the Zoning Code update process) was reviewed and considered by the City Council. Ultimately, staff along with CFA of Reno held a workshop where the City Council ultimately identified various amendments for staff to incorporate into the advance planning work program in Phase III.
Earlier this year, the City issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit and select a consultant to assist City staff with updating, reorganizing and revamping of the zoning code. The City interviewed two consultants who were scored by five reviewers: two city staff, one planner in private practice, a private developer and a Sparks Planning Commissioner. The committee unanimously recommends to the Sparks City Council that the contract be awarded to White & Smith, LLC in association with Reno firm CFA and Winter & Company in the amount of $149,965. Funding for this project was included by the City Council in the City’s FY 2012/2013 budget.
Should the contract be awarded, CFA will play a significant role. Staff anticipates CFA’s role in Phase III will include participation in all phases of the project including analysis and drafting of the new code, coordinating stakeholder input, providing staff with stakeholder perspective and supporting with City Council workshops.
This planning team along with City staff will be working to provide a new organizing structure that integrates the zoning code and other regulatory documents and guidelines. The update is intended to make information easier to find, avoid internal inconsistencies, make the regulations easier to use, translate the City’s vision for development into clear instructions for both applicants the general public and staff. The project will result in an updated table of permitted uses while providing more flexibility for land use decisions.
This revision will include the direction provided by the Sparks City Council at the workshops held in January earlier this year.
Alternatives: 1. Council may direct staff to renegotiate the contract based on a revised scope. 2. Council may reject all proposals and direct staff on further action.
Recommended Motion: I move to award the team of White and Smith, LLC, Reno firm CFA, and Winter & Company a professional services contract in the amount of $149,965 to provide professional services as outlined in the attached contract and the planning team’s proposal.
Attached Files: